Friday, 29 June 2012
We're all going on a.. Summer Holiday...
Wardrobe planned, Books packed and sense of adventure welling up... we fly tonight, Sun, Sea and Sand he're we come! Blog posts to follow...
Peace and Love x
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Going Bananas...
You find inspiration in the strangest places...
Vintage Shirt from 'Pop' boutique, Jeffery Campbell 'Damsel Spike' Wedge Boots, Ring from 'Ice Nine' (Photos taken by K.Clark)
Only problem is now im craving Mummy Clark's Banana Bread... nom nom nom
TOPTIP: Best made with old 'browning' bananas (much like the ones used for props above)
Cake AHOY!
Maybe this is taking childhood/food Inspiration a little too far...
JELLYBEANS!! (definite possibility for my next costume party!)
Peace and Love x
A year away at university can seem like a completely new life. you split from your past and you create a new start with new friends, a fresh exciting environment to explore and you grow up, becoming an updated version of the person you once were complete with new experiences and life lessons.
The transition back to home life after a year in a new world is always a difficult one. The guilt suddenly hits you that you have neglected your old friends in favor of trying to integrate yourself in a new social circle at university, only harking back to past memories in times of loneliness and reminiscent bliss.
However, it should be noted that since ive come back i have recognized that among old friends, the best of friends and life-long friends, there is an unspoken rule that we will always be there for each other despite the hiatus and the majority of us are guilty of the same crime allowing us to empathize and therefore forgive each others lack of perceived 'effort' in maintaining the relationship.
These are the friends who you see after weeks, months or even years and it feels like you only saw them last week, the ones who remember those silly in-jokes (Y U NO!, *gopher face* and moter-boating Emma's boobs being some of my own personal favorites). The friends that make you realize the person you once were and the comfort that comes from that familiarity.
Its hard to make that first step and get back in touch, but you know its worth it when you can spend a good half an hour in WH Smith declaring its like 'Sophies Choice' over whether to purchase Tangfastics or Galaxy and impersonating animal themed birthday cards. These are the friends that last a life time, and these are the friends that will be there for you as long as you value them.
My friends make me Sparkle more brightly than i could ever do alone and hopefully these pictures will share some of that sparkle with you...
"OMG it's like SOPHIE'S CHOICE!"
From left to right... Jessica Collins, Jem Patel, Emily Rae and one very happy girl <3
Peace and Love x
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Skull Tee DIY
This is a morning well spent... amazing what you can do with an old t-shirt, scissors and a youtube video :D
Peace and Love x
Peace and Love x
This is a little suitcase in the corner of the cutest vintage shop in Nottingham. As soon as i saw it i could not stop smiling for the rest of the day and it got me thinking about how we document and remember memories...
Since a very young age i've had a fascination with the past and the 'olden days'. I was forever asking my grandparents about the war and stories from eras gone by. I think i have a slight obsession with the collection of memories. My biggest fear has always been to forget and I am the worlds worst hoarder, i never throw anything away (but there is nothing more sparkly than trawling through the saved up flyers, paper and bric a brac and remembering how amazing your life has been so far.)
I'm reading history at University now and absolutely loving it, i cant imagine the course being any better suited to me and, at the risk of sounding like the worlds biggest nerd, researching and reading then consolidating all that knowledge in a piece of writing has become a major passion and something I long to pursue in my future.
It's not only history as an academic subject that has become an obsession in my life, i have always loved unearthing the past from tiny vintage shops to Hampton Court Palace. The pursuit of Sparkle is all about finding inspiration everywhere and the past is a treasure trove of the forgotten and re-discovering memories and lives gone by can never be boring.
Recently I stumbled upon a site called 'Retronaut' and its exactly that... a treasure trove of past memories... here are two random flights of fancy...
1900 Circus...
Pictures speak a thousand words... maybe that's why im slightly addicted to photography and vintage cameras...
If there is one thing i've learnt this year its that you should never regret your past, it makes you who you are, a stronger person. Your memories and experiences shape your present and your reality. Learning from times gone by, both your own and experiences of others, thats how you grow.
Pursueing Sparkle includes making those memories and creating a past you look back on with smiles and fondness... these last two images made me smile so they seem the perfect pictures to end this post on...
Peace and Love x
Monday, 25 June 2012
Recent Sparkles
Major Cravings to watch...
May you all emerge your life in Sparkle like a lollipop in a Sherbert Dibdab :D
Peace and Love x
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