Sunday, 4 November 2012


The student stereotype of a bed-bound, pyjama bottom wearing and ‘so laid back we're almost horizontal' lay-a-bout is a pipe-dream right now. As any reader of this blog will realize, this could not be further from the truth; unless, of course, pyjama bottoms are still as in fashion as they were in summer. Lack of posts, once again, must be blamed on my writing being aimed more towards the academic sphere than the whimsical. This will probably not be ending anytime soon so in the meantime this will have to do.

The blog title is therefore NOT referring to its informal meaning (i wish) but in fact in relation to that most British of topics, the weather. As the nights draw in and the temperature drops to nose-nipping lows, one can't help to feel that life is also getting a bit grey. I still maintain that the reason this time of year has so many events, namely; Halloween (also would link to the ‘Chilling’ title), Bonfire Night, CHRISTMAS!, and New Year is because of the need for sparkle and light to make those cold days and dark nights bearable. While you can't been a bit of juvenile  leaf kicking on the way to and from lectures and indulging in festive snacks in the safe knowledge that all the sins will be covered up by yet another 'must have' vintage novelty jumper. I still long for the day when days get longer, because right now there are definitely not enough hours in the day!

In the meantime... the pursuit of sparkle must go on!

Peace and Love x